"Shaun T is so INSAAANE!"
The warmup lasted about 10 minutes, and then the video takes you through some stretches. I really needed these, because I skipped the cool down after the fit test yesterday. Oopsies.
After the stretching, the workout only lasted about 25 minutes, which was nice. Lots of jumping around, and my heart rate was super high the whole time. I wear one of the Nike+ HR monitors, which, after i plugged it into my computer, gave me a graph of my HR during the workout. If I could ever figure out how in the world to import it into this blog I'll share. I like graphs... I'm a nerd like that. My average HR was 161 though, and the workout was 40 minutes long including the stretching and cool down.
Hmm.... I think that's all I have to say tonight.
2 days down, 58 to go!
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