Alrighty, here's the deal. About a month ago, I started the Insanity workout program. It went great: I felt like I was gaining muscle, losing some weight, and just getting fitter in general. This lasted, oh, about three weeks. And then.. I quit. I'll admit it. I missed a couple workouts, couldn't make them up, and then I just stopped doing them all together. It was REALLY lame.
BUT. I'm starting again! And this time, I'm going to be blogging about it. Because I know my life is really, really interesting and everyone wants to read about it... Duh. No, but honestly, I really want some accountability. I'm betting that if I make this whole thing public, maybe the fact that someone may read it will drive me to not be such a lazy ass and follow through with the whole program.
So I'm starting today. The first day of this workout is the fit test, where you do all these crazy plyo-like exercises and record your numbers to see
how bad you suck at first how much you improve over the course of the 60 days. The last time I started it, it was pretty hard: plyometric exercises are not my friend anymore. I've also recorded my weight/body fat to see if I can improve that as well. So, since I know you're all dying to know, here are my numbers from Fit Test Day 1. These exercises are performed for 1 minute, and you try to get the maximum number of reps before you fall flat on your face, dying for enriched oxygen through a tube. Oh wait, maybe that's just me..
-switch kicks- 51
-power jacks-47
-power knees- 105
-power jumps- 40
-globe jumps- 10
-suicide jumps (kill me. how ironic.)- 22
-push up jacks- 19
-low plank oblique- 52
Aaaaaand there it is, folks. Day 1 of 60 was a success! Only 59 more to go!
PS: I'm still new to the whole blogging thing. Maybe my next posts will be a little more exciting.... or maybe not.