Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's your carrot?

I went on my first bike ride of 2012 today, a decently paced 15 miler on a route with rolling hills. Not a bad start to the 2012 season! As I was riding, a guy pulled out on his bike maybe 300 yards in front of me. When I'm riding, I like to think of the people in front of me as my 'carrots'. You  know, that thing that keeps you motivated to keep turning the pedals, and working through the quad burn? I absolutely love the feeling when I catch up to someone while they're on their $5,000 bike, wearing their full racing kit, trying to act all hard. LOVE. IT.

My question is... what's your carrot? Especially you runners! Maybe it's because, when I run, I'm not physically able to catch anyone faster than an eighty year old chain smoker, but I have a really, REALLY hard time finding that motivation to keep my pace up.

PS I'm doing Insanty tonight as well, and I think its one of the plyometrics ones. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Almost two weeks, a sprained ankle, and a wicked head cold later..

I'll just say I took an "extended hiatus" from Insanity for awhile. I have a really good excuse though!

Last Monday, I busted my ankle at work. Dr. Bob calls it "dumping" an ankle. I won't call it that though: that implies that I got rid of my ankle, cut the cord, and no longer have to deal with its needy bulls**t. It's been a pain in my butt for 8ish years, and it decided that it was going to act up because it hadn't gotten any attention lately. Its such a woman. I only WISH I could dump my ankle. Unfortunately, we are still attached.

If you made it through that ridiculous paragraph... We were destined to be friends.

I'm back though! I did the plyometric cardio circuit today, and on a scale of 1 to 10 of "ugliness", with a 10 being the weird alien thing from Lord of the Rings, it was definitely an 8. Could have been worse.

At least I didn't look like him when I got done.

Tomorrow is an off day, then Thursday I'm back on schedule with week 4!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Worst idea ever?

Here's a snapshot of my work day yesterday.. I broke a $3,000 traction table, was told the dessert I made was dry (so don't eat it fatty.), and zapped a guys vasectomy clips with one of the electrical machines I work with. Seriously, vasectomy clips. I was more embarrassed than he was.

So yesterday, all I did after work was grab tacos and an ice cold beer and read a book. A workout just wasn't going to happen. That meant two workouts today. I don't know what the hell I did in the second fit test on thursday, but i was SORE! Every muscle in my legs was screaming after the first part of the warmup. It's weird because this is the exact day that I quit last time, and I think it was for the same reason! I did get through both workouts today though, and did them nearly back to back just to get it over with. The frst one was the plyometric circuit, and the second one was the pure cardio and cardio abs. So really it was like two and a half workouts? But its over! I'm glad I got both of them done early, I don't think I would have done the second one tonight!

Time to go get a smoothie and take the pup to the park!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fit Test #2!

Today was day 15, Fit Test day! Here are my numbers and how much I improved:

Switch Kicks- 57 (+6)
Power Jacks- 52 (+5)
Power Knees- 116 (+11)
Power Jumps- 50 (+10) -- I still feel like dying on these.
Globe Jumps- 12 (+2) -- maybe these are so bad because they're after power jumps..
Suicide Jumps- 24 (+2)
Push Up Jacks- 25 (+6)
Low Plank Oblique- 64 (+12)

I've also lost about 4 pounds, which I don't think is due to ths workout program at all to be honest. I'm just really trying to stay away from crappy food.

All in all, I'm really happy with my progress! Now its time to go play some indoor tonight!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh hey abs, I almost forgot you existed..

Today was pure cardio and cardio abs. I did the pure cardio first, which wasn't bad at all except for the massive amount of sweat pouring out of my pores. I feel like I'm going to need to steam clean the carpet after these couple of months. Seriously.

After pure cardio, I walked into the kitchen and got my protein mix:

ALLMAX IsoFlex - Whey Protein Isolate Chocolate 2 lbs

 I always mix it with super cold water and chug it pretty quick because it doesn't taste great. I then realized, to my dismay, that I forgot to do the cardio abs program. Boooooo.So I did cardio abs with a whole bunch of chocolate protein sloshing around in my stomach. It was no bueno.

PS, maybe I'm just too immature for this workout, but Cardio Abs just made me air hump about 50 times in a row and called it an ab exercise. AND IT KILLED. I think they secretly record everyone doing it so they can all laugh at us. Sick freaks.

PPS, my shorts are getting baggier, my shoulders are getting a little more defined, and I just had to tighten my heart rate monitor strap today! Feelin good. Day 13 done, and tomorrow is a rest day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hellloooooo Monday!

Today was a really, REALLY good workout day! I felt really strong, I kept my heart rate up, my legs felt good, and there wasn't anything that made me want to barf or stab myself in the eyeball with a dull butter knife. Even though it was Monday, I think I felt so good because I actually slept last night. I got a good eight and a half hours, which was SO. AMAZING.

Sleep is the most underrated part of a workout regimen fo sho.

Day 12 done! Tomorrow I get my car :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Days 10 and 11!

Nothing exciting to say, except that its done. Yesterday was cardio power and resistance again, which i did on nasty, stinky hotel carpet. No lie, I washed my hands after the workout! I also felt like I was going to fall through the floorboards at any second. Today, instead of doing the cardio recovery, I ran around on the beach with Kai, which she absolutely loved. I swear the dog thinks she's a fish. That is all, off to day 12 tomorrow! Mondays are tough, so I'm going to need some motivation!